
11th Blood Donation Event

Date:2024-06-11 00:00 Author: Click:573

11th Blood Donation Event

The Company organized employees who met the physical conditions for blood donation to actively participate in blood donation activities, in a move to advocate social contribution and social responsibility.

On the morning of May 31, 2024, for successfully carrying out this significant activity that benefits people, oneself, and society, the Company posted a notice of various tips relating to blood donation on the bulletin board and introduced such knowledge at meetings, letting employees to have a full understanding of blood donation activities, eliminating their worries, and then they actively responded to participating in the blood donation activities. Through the above promotion, employees gained a comprehensive understanding of the significance of this blood donation event and showed great enthusiasm.

Throughout the entire event, the staff of the Kunshan Red Cross Love Blood Donation Center were always on site to answer questions and solve difficulties for employees, enthusiastically providing service to each of donors, ensuring the smooth completion of this donation work. The entire event was filled with warmth and genuine emotions, showcasing the spirit of “Humanity, Fraternity, and Dedication”.

The successful donation of 8,600 milliliters of blood by the Company fully demonstrates the strong sense of social responsibility and selfless dedication of our employees. Through this event, we believe it will greatly motivate all the employees of the Company, further make continuous contributions to society, and do their due humble strength.