
Starlite 30th Anniversary Ceremony Grandly Held

Date:2024-06-11 00:00 Author: Click:687

 Starlite 30th Anniversary Ceremony Grandly Held

On May 17, 2024, Secretary of the Kunshan Municipal Committee of the CPC met with President Takashi Saigo and his entourage who were attending the 30th anniversary of the Company.

The secretary gave a high evaluation of Starlite Industries’ contribution to the development of Kunshan and expressed his sincere gratitude.

President Saigo, who was setting foot on this hot land again after a lapse of five years, once again felt its vigorous development vitality, and was deeply touched. The meeting was also widely reported by such news outlets as Kunshan Release, Zhoushi Release, and Kunshi News, among others, which caused a great response and further increased Starlite's popularity.

On May 18th, from 9:30 to 15:00 in the morning, the Starlite 30TH anniversary celebration ceremony was held at the Golden Eagle Chaumei Kunshan. Leaders of Kunshan City and Zhoushi Town Government, Itochu (China) Group Co., Ltd. East Asia General Representative, the entourage of President, GEO, Executive director, etc. of Starlite Industries, Inc., as well as all employees of Starlite Kunshan came to participate in the celebration ceremony.

At the ceremony, the government leaders highly praised Starlite Kunshan's contribution to the Kunshan region’s economy and society over the past 30 years.

As the first Japanese company to settled down in Zhoushi, Kunshan, Starlite Kunshan has experienced 30 years of ups and downs and growth together with Kunshan. The 30th anniversary celebration held this time is not only a review of history and a vision for the future, but also conveys confidence in and expectation to the development of both Zhoushi and Kunshan.

The president is the founder of Starlite Kunshan and is full of feelings for it. More than 30 years ago, he resolutely opted to invest in Kunshan in the face of general opposition - this requires great courage. The employees of Starlite Kunshan rewarded this courage with significant growth and full motivation. The cerebration activities further strengthened the centripetal force and cohesion of employees. It is firmly believed that we can welcome the next 30th anniversary with a better position.