
2018 Parent-child Event

Date:2018-07-26 00:00 Author: Click:1137

To enhance parent-child relationship and let children have awareness of respecting their parents as well as to promote the good corporate culture of Starlite, the Company held the 2018 Parent-Child Event on July 26, 2018.

In this parent-child activity, a total of 14 children in grades 1 to 6 attended together with their father or mother. The atmosphere of the event was very active. The event has the following contents: (1) getting to know each other (2) introduction to the Company; (3) introductions to departments (Fine Chemical, High-Performance Products, Common Dept., and Safety & Environment); (4) Field Visit; (5) Game of products packaging; (6) Awards; and (7) Mutual questions.

Through this event, the children got a more in-depth of knowledge and understanding of the Company. As the contents of the event were wonderful, the children expressed their expectation to participate in various activities organized by the Company subsequently and want to work at the Company in the future.