
Starlite’s Fourth Meeting of the Employee (Member) Representatives Session Held

Date:2020-01-17 00:00 Author: Click:1703

Starlite’s Fourth Meeting of the Employee (Trade Union Member) Representatives Session was held at the Company’s canteen at 14:30PM, January 17, 2020.

Local officials attended were: Mr HU Huihua, chairman, and Mr. XU Xueming, vice chairman of the General Trade Union of Zhoushi Town. Senior officers of the Company attended were: General Manager Akino, Deputy GM of Marketing, XU Huifen, Deputy GM, departmental chiefs mikuni and koyama and Trade Union chairperson Qi Fengzhu. And 65 employee representatives attended this meeting.

The chairpersonsof the trade unions of five enterprises such as Kunshan Maoshun Sealing Products Industrial Co ., Ltd. and Dongyang Bag Making (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. also attended and observed the meeting, which were invited by the General Trade Union of Zhoushi Town. The On-Site Democratic Management Meeting of the General Trade Union of Zhoushi Town was held simultaneously with Company's employee representatives meeting.

The report of GM Akino concerning the operation of 2019 and the operation policy of 2020, and the report of Qi Fengzhu, Trade Union Chairperson concerning the work summary of 2019 and plan for the trade union were heard at the meeting. Chairman HU of the General Trade Union of Zhoushi Town delivered a passionate speech at the meeting. He congratulated the successful holding of the Company's employee representatives meeting, and hoped that the trade union would play akey role as a bridge and link. At last, the successful conclusion of the meeting was declared in the warm applauses of all the representatives.